What Happens when a Dog Bites a Child

Your child may have been playing in the yard or outside at the park, when the unthinkable happened. A dog attacked your child, and now they’re suffering because of someone’s pet. Seeing your child suffer is difficult, so acting now is important. Read on to learn more about civil action surrounding dog bites and how your family’s lawsuit could benefit from a Rockford personal injury lawyer

Get Medical Attention After a Dog Attack 

When your child is first bitten by a dog, you need to seek medical care as soon as possible. Even a smaller dog can do severe damage, from broken bones to nerve damage. If the dog may have been rabid, your child may need swift treatment. Rabies is deadly, so getting treatment right away can save a life. 

Long-term treatment may be necessary, especially if the bite is infected. That can impact your child’s overall health and prolong their condition. Unfortunately, because a dog bite can be so deep, it may be difficult to prevent an infection completely. 

Their suffering may not be only physical, too. They may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can impact their quality of life. Even a fear of dogs can make trips to the park or even visiting friends and family difficult. 

Suing on Behalf of Your Child

Once you’ve taken care of your child’s health, it’s time to think about the costs of their suffering. You may need compensation to help them recover from the attack. The problem is, they’re too young to represent themselves in the courtroom. 

But that doesn’t mean they can’t receive compensation. You’ll instead need to stand in as their guardian ad litem. This means you and your lawyer were appointed by the judge to oversee the child’s best interests. That grants you the power to file a lawsuit against the at-fault party. 

Compensation Due for Dog Bites

But what are your child’s injuries worth? That can be a difficult question because your child’s injuries, the expenses, and suffering they experienced can be so complex. Your lawyer has the knowledge and experience to help you quantify the value of your claim. 

Your economic damages should cover all financial costs of your injuries. For example, if your child is hospitalized, you shouldn’t have to pay the costs of their care. 

But you may be due compensation for their mental and emotional trauma, too. For example, your child may have been put through a lot of pain because of the dog bite. Your lawyer can help you calculate these damages, even if they don’t have a tangible cost.

Get Compensation for Your Child’s Dog Bites

When your child is hurt, you may have options to file a lawsuit on their behalf. At Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC, we know how costly your child’s injuries and suffering can be. That’s why we’re here to help when a dog bites your child. Reach out for a free consultation to learn more about how our services can help your claim succeed. Call 815-656-4600 or complete the following online contact form.