Tips for Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer

When you’re seriously injured by another person’s actions, you may need a personal injury lawyer in Rockford. But how do you know you have the right personal injury lawyer for you? 

If you’re struggling to get compensated after a serious injury, make sure you know what your lawyer can do for you before you decide on who to work with. Below are some of the most impactful steps you can take to choose a personal injury lawyer and take action following an accident. 

Know Their Track Record 

When you’re looking for a personal injury lawyer after an accident, you don’t want someone with no proven track record. You want a lawyer you can trust with your claim. Lawyers who have been practicing for years know the laws impacting your claim, like the statute of limitations and fault laws. 

One of the first steps you may need to take when seeking legal aid is determining whether they have a track record of experience and success. You need to know they have the right tools for the job. 

Ask Potential Personal Injury Lawyers Questions

Asking your potential injury lawyer questions can also help you gather information and make an informed decision. If they can’t offer answers about how they can help your claim succeed, they may not be the right lawyer for your claim. 

For example, you may be worried that you were partly responsible for the accident. You need a lawyer who can tell you what they can do about accusations of partial fault. They may have details about what tools they can use to help you, what evidence they can gather, and how they can help you dismiss or reduce the impact of accusations of shared fault. 

Check Their Client Testimonials

A track record of success isn’t just about the number of years a law firm has been in business. It’s also about their success with their clients. You may have concerns about how many wrongful death claims they’ve settled successfully, for example. 

Many law firms have client testimonials on their website to show potential clients what their former clients have to say about their services. Knowing how this attorney has helped others in similar situations can help you make an informed decision about your claim. When you know they have a proven track record and happy clients, you may feel more confident when working with these lawyers. 

Talk with Your Personal Injury Lawyer Before You Hire 

When you’d suffered a serious injury because someone was careless, you may need help from a personal injury lawyer. But choosing a personal injury lawyer isn’t always easy. You may need a little guidance and some help determining which lawyer is best for you. 

At Mahoney & Mahoney, LLC, we’re here to help you make the right decisions for your lawsuit. If you’ve been hurt and you need help, we offer free consultations so we can answer your questions. To get started, call 815-656-4600 or fill out the online contact form below.